Sabato, 22 Febbraio 2025

"Mentalization-based group therapy (MBT-G): Theory, clinical application, research" with Sigmund Karterud

Webinar, May, 29th 2021
H: 10.00 - 13.30

Italian version




The webinar will discuss the challenges posed by patients with severe personality disorders in groups with reference to the theories and practice of W.R. Bion and S. H. Foulkes. Empirical studies called for a more authoritative therapeutic style on boundaries, structure and process and mentalization-based treatment (MBT) provided a new theoretical rationale. The manual for MBT-G was constructed in 2012 based on extended video-analyses of group psychotherapies. The manual contains a rating scale for adherence and quality (MBT-G-AQS). Thereby it was possible to test treatment integrity, conduct micro-analysis of treatment processes, train group therapists and assist group therapy supervision. In Norway, group therapists can send videorecording of their group therapies to the publicly funded MBT laboratory to have it rated and assessed according to treatment integrity. This process will be illustrated in the webinar by discussing transcripts from some Italian group therapy sessions. 

The webinar is in English. 


10.00- 10.15 Introduces: Vittorio Lingiardi (president SPR-IAG)
10.15- 11.45 Key note and discussion with S. Karterud (University of Oslo )
                   chair: Giovanna Esposito (University of Naples Federico II)

11.45-12.00 break
12.00-13.30 Workshop and discussion


Entry fee:

€ 60 NO SPR-IAG affiliates
€ 30 SPR-IAG  affiliates . Enter  socio30 in the field"codice" into subscription form
Free for young SPR-IAG affiliates (students, PhD, etc.). Enter  codice_studente60  in the field "codice" into subscription form


You can pay by credit card or PayPal and also with wire transfer:
reason for the transfer: name, surname, Webinar Karterud May 29th, 2021

Registration for the Webinar will be considered effective upon payment of the fee. After the payment, the link to connect will be sent.





Sigmund Karterud is professor of psychiatry, formerly at University of Oslo and founder of Department for Personality Psychiatry at Oslo University Hospital, the state funded Norwegian Competence Centre for Personality Psychiatry and The Norwegian Treatment Network for Personality Disorders. He is a training group analyst at Institute of Group Analysis, Oslo and founding president of the Norwegian Group Psychotherapy Association. His background includes psychoanalysis, self psychology and for the last 15 years MBT. He has published around 200 scientific papers and 15 books, whereof the most relevant for the current webinar is “Mentalization-based group therapy (MBT-G)”, Oxford University Press, 2015.

Giovanna Esposito, PhD, psychologist, systemic-relational psychotherapist, researcher in Clinical Psychology at the Department of Humanities, University of Naples Federico II. Her main research interests are: process analysis in group interventions, treatment integrity to the mentalizing model, therapist style, academic engagement of university students, computerized methods for texts analysis.


SPR è un’associazione scientifica internazionale che incoraggia lo sviluppo della ricerca in psicoterapia, nel rispetto dei suoi diversi indirizzi, e mira a valorizzare e migliorare il contributo della ricerca alla teoria clinica e alla pratica terapeutica.

sede legale: Via Liguria 19

90144 Palermo
CF: 11661830155
P.IVA: 06491871007 

Segreteria organizzativa:
Arké Eventi di Daniela M. Strozzi
Viale Abruzzi, 11 – 20131 Milano
Tel. 338.6396215 -