Sabato, 18 Gennaio 2025

Group psychotherapy: between settled benchmarks and new horizons. Deadline 15.03.2022

 "Group psychotherapy: between settled benchmarks and new horizons"

Call for abstract from 31st January to 15th March 2022


Guest Editors: *Giovanna Esposito & **Ulrich Schultz-Venrath

*University of Naples Federico II, Italy

**University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany


Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process, and Outcome (RIPPPO) is inviting manuscripts of different types (e.g., theoretical perspectives, empirical investigations, single cases, and systematic reviews or meta-analyses) for a special issue focused on "GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY: between settled benchmarks and new horizons". 

Group psychotherapy is widely considered effective and efficient for the treatment of patients with diverse diagnoses, in different settings and with various theoretical models. Research in group psychotherapy has extensively demonstrated that many issues related to the group dynamics and process have proved to be solid benchmarks for improving clinical practice. Nevertheless, more challenges are arising for group psychotherapy future: new groups for new patients, more settings and innovative measures to analyse group process and outcome.

This issue aims to be a forum of discussion about what we already know on group psychotherapy (e.g., efficacy, dynamics, settings, models of intervention, measures of assessment, etc.) and what we need to learn for the development of this field of study and for improving clinical practice.

We invite authors expert in the field, as well as their trainees, doctoral and postdoctoral fellows, to propose quantitative and/or qualitative papers that address topics about:

  1. Efficacy and effectiveness of group therapy in different populations (children, adolescents, emerging adults, elderly patients, etc.) and with diverse diagnoses (personality disorders, anxiety disorders, etc.). Meta-analyses on this topic are welcomed.
  2. Systematic reviews on historical, theoretical, clinical, and methodological aspects of group therapy (e.g., new groups for emerging needs, cohesion, perfectionism in ED patients, assessment in group therapy, etc.). 
  3. New group therapeutic setting (e.g., online group therapies, etc.): innovations, critical issues, and strengths.  
  4. Innovative measures to assess group therapy outcome and process (e.g., validation and adaptations of new instruments, etc.).


Manuscripts have to comply with general RIPPPO editorial rules

(see guide for authors at


To apply in this Special issue, submit to RIPPPO website ( ), a file with paper title, author(s) with affiliation(s), 3-5 keywords, corresponding author's address, email, and phone number, and a 250 words structured abstract (introduction, methods, results, discussion). Please specify: "Group Psychotherapy: between settled benchmarks and new horizons ". 



Call for abstract from 31st January to 15th March 2022

Acceptance communication: 15th April 2022

Paper submission within: 15th June 2022

Paper acceptance: 15th October 2022

Fee payment, copyediting process: 15th October-30th November 2022

or scheduled publication: 15th December 2022



The Article Processing Charge for publication in this Journal is € 400,00 (plus 4% VAT, if applicable) per article. A reduced fee (€ 200,00 plus 4% VAT, if applicable) for SPR-Italy and SPR-International members is also available. IMPORTANT: Authors are NOT required to pay at the moment of submission. After the Editor acceptance letter of the Manuscript, the Managing Editor will guide the Authors through the payment procedure. No article will be published before waiver or payment.

SPR è un’associazione scientifica internazionale che incoraggia lo sviluppo della ricerca in psicoterapia, nel rispetto dei suoi diversi indirizzi, e mira a valorizzare e migliorare il contributo della ricerca alla teoria clinica e alla pratica terapeutica.

sede legale: Via Liguria 19

90144 Palermo
CF: 11661830155
P.IVA: 06491871007 

Segreteria organizzativa:
Arké Eventi di Daniela M. Strozzi
Viale Abruzzi, 11 – 20131 Milano
Tel. 338.6396215 -